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May 1, 2018

Brad Buttrick from Hidden Harvest Grow Lights and I spoke about how the world will need to move agriculture indoor as the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies. This will include increased UV, out of season storms hot and cold both, more cosmic rays and heavy winds. 

  • Full Spectrum Daylight White Led Grow light drawing 36 watts of power
  • Indoor farming
  • Grand Solar Minimum intensification
  • How global climate is shifting and where it will shift next
  • Types of vegetables and plants you can grow indoor
  • Decreasing Total Solar Irradiance
  • Cosmic Rays and the effect on plant growth
  • Increasing levels of UV as the magnetosphere weakens
  • How get started growing your own food indoors (microgreens)
  • Wheatgrass, Moringa, Goji and other superfoods

Hidden Harvest YT Channel 

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