Oct 1, 2017
This interview with David Dilley globalweathercycles.com and globalweatheroscillations.com provided the last piece of the puzzle to give definitive dates for the onset of major global cooling, where 2019-2020 will be the first really cold year, with another amplification in 2020-2021, bringing cold on a scale we have not seen in generations.
Mr. Dilley's research is the foundation for GWO's Natural Climate Pulse Technology and is utilized in atmospheric and climate/weather prediction models created by Mr. Dilley and Global Weather Oscillations. The Climate Pulse Technology Models are utilized to predict specific climate/weather events 4-years in advance.
Hurricane pre-season forecast from David Dilley called for major hurricanes in 2017, and was the most correct, not only this year but in the last ten years as well. Other agencies self-correct and go month by month during hurricane seasons.
The natural climate pulse of earth is governed by the PFM cycles. These cycles range from daily (ocean tides) and more importantly every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years, 72 years, 230 years, 1200 years and 130 thousand years. Earth is currently coming off a 230 year global warming cycle and dipping into a 120 year global cooling cycle. They come approximately every 230 years and we have had 5 during the past 1000 years. The last one ended in the year 1800 and was followed by dramatic cooling and a year of no summer in 1816.
This means look for delayed shipping into Great Lakes ports due to ice coverage, and over the next few years there will be ice in the Chesapeake Bay thick enough to require icebreakers to keep shipping lanes open.
Europe will experience a nasty winter, cold and snowy eclipsing all expectations, including the UK.
Hurricane intensity, it’s just climate cycles
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