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Jan 23, 2019

David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discusses societal changes as our Earth shifts to a cooler climate as the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensifies, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is a timeline for what you can expect from now to 2023.

  • Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate
  • Cosmic Rays and the relation to Cloud Building
  • Europe’s Little Ice Age, nothing grew
  • 1604-1606 flowers bloomed in February in Germany, then decades of cold hit
  • Germany 1607-1608 Year of the Great Frost
  • Barley and Wheat prices in 1600’s 4x due to bad weather /frosts
  • Removing protesters and societal troublemakers by sending them off to war
  • Though 2019-2020 you can get a timeline for the intensity of the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum
  • Adaptability from a once in a 400-year event into a once in a 1000-year event
  • Repercussions in society as the Grand Solar Minimum wipes out global food production
  • Grain deliveries will be bought using ICO’s as food shortages begin
  • How you as an individual will purchase food after 2021

This episode of Mini Ice Age Conversations was sponsored by: 

True Leaf Market Heirloom and Organic Seeds

My Patriot Supply Long Term & Emergency Food 


ADAPT 2030 YouTube Channel

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