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Feb 26, 2019

David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discusses societal changes as our Earth shifts to a cooler climate as the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensifies, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is a timeline for what you can expect from now to 2023.

  • Where jet stream are beginning to send extreme weather across the planet
  • Record cold Siberia
  • Record Cold, snow and rain Iceland
  • Using proxy data to reconstruct global temperatures
  • Using tree rings, radio carbon dating, stalactites, lake core drilling sediments both pollen count and flood debris along with ocean raft debris as proxies to see past climate shifts in regular patterns.
  • Shifting Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ICTZ)
  • Jet streams shift monsoon patterns
  • Logistics will shift to regional delivery and supply
  • Lessons of self-sufficiency and community from the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
  • Private Farm insurance cut off due to unsustainable losses and claims

Upheaval: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States

This episode of Mini Ice Age Conversations was sponsored by: 

True Leaf Market Heirloom and Organic Seeds

My Patriot Supply Long Term & Emergency Food 


ADAPT 2030 YouTube Channel

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