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Apr 18, 2019

David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discusses societal changes as our Earth shifts to a cooler climate as the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensifies, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is a timeline for what you can expect from now to 2023.

  • Climate extremes intensifying again
  • Desert rains in Iran, Afghanistan, African Sahel, and flooding deserts in Saudi Arabia are more powerful than a 400-year cycle
  • Rains returning to NW Afghanistan refilling rivers not seen running in 2000+ years
  • Link Tax Article 11 of the E.U Internet censorship  
  • Copy write imitative Article 13 EY internet censorship directive
  • Targeting climate headlines and crop losses in new internet censorship laws
  • Now platforms on social media responsible for content hosted on their platforms not the individuals
  • South African agriculture failing at the moment
  • Global planting seasons out of sync by two months on average
  • Vertical grow towers for food production
  • Cloud cells are shifting across the planet
  • Seeking solutions to protect what you are growing
  • Sierra Nevada Mountains snow pack so deep they are using LIDAR to measure it

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