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Mar 3, 2020

David DuByne from ADAPT 2030 and Ransom Goodwin from 420 TV Freedomist Films discuss the shifting of energies as energetic shifts in the Sun affect humanity as we move through the next 15 years of the Grand Solar Minimum.

  • China deleveraging US bond holdings
  • Food costs across Asia up
  • 20210 the last year for stable crop growth globally
  • How will governments react to food collapse?
  • How can you begin to limit access to agriculture and financial systems for the global populace?
  • American style take a broom and put a motor on it !
  • The Scientific Method has disappeared in Climate Science
  • Agenda 2030 Smart cities
  • Agenda 2030 land usage
  • One storm and civilization is over
  • Natural resource blockchain backed currency
  • Grand Solar Minimum volcanic activity increases
  • Do you have a mobile skill set?
  • Smart contracts for grain deliveries

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