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Mar 31, 2020

David DuByne from the ADAPT 2030 YT channel along with Hal the impending global financial collapse related to the Grand Solar Minimum which is now affecting global food production across the continents.  What will hold value during the financial evaporation and reset in our civilization with a time line through the next...

Mar 30, 2020

David DuByne from the ADAPT 2030 YT channel along with Hal discuss increasing space radiation from the Grand Solar Minimum affecting global food production across the continents and how this will affect the economy, food supply chains and ultimately our civilization with a time line through the next year.

  • Economic...

Mar 29, 2020

Craig Simpson from Radiant Creators and David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 discuss preparing your mind, body and spirit as our societies move into the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum. What it will take to thrive and live in abundance as systems contract around the globe. What skill set will be essential to provide the most...

Mar 7, 2020

David DuByne from the ADAPT 2030 YT channel discuss increasing space radiation from the Grand Solar Minimum affecting global food production across the continents and how this will affect the economy, supply chains and ultimately our civilization.

  • Hollywood distractions from food scarcity
  • Lean year harvests
  • Pendulum of...

Mar 3, 2020

David DuByne from ADAPT 2030 and Ransom Goodwin from 420 TV Freedomist Films discuss the shifting of energies as energetic shifts in the Sun affect humanity as we move through the next 15 years of the Grand Solar Minimum.

  • China deleveraging US bond holdings
  • Food costs across Asia up
  • 20210 the last year for stable crop...